Hi guys I have encountered a problem in my Email address, someone or somehow my account is being hacked and won't let me log in. If anyone or anybody could please lend me a hand urgently I will be gladly appreciated otherwise my website and here in newgrounds won't get its latest update of my art and will forever stay outdated.
I need HELP ASAP please!
EDIT: GUYS I GOT MY ACCOUNT BACK and IM SUPPA HAPPY :D now i dont have to worry anymore and im stress free
A big thank you to all you guys and fans who help me :) im very appreciated now il keep producing more artwork in my website
Contact email support. There's nothing else you can do, unless you have a backup email, phone verification, two-step security, etc, but you'd probably have tried that already. First step though: get a new email, use a strong pass, and change your email on all sites that allow you to without verifying it through email (like NG). If you use the same pass on other sites, change it quickly.
I cant abandon my Email account man :( it has my facebook, college, bank account, steam account and everything else. there very very important.
Its too late for me to do back up email so my only option is to contact Yahoo HQ tomorow.
il do it first thing in morning its my only chance.